In the latest release of we added many new features and fixes among them 2 additional metrics for every survey:
Topics: amazon mechanical turk, bounce rate, completion rate, mturk, turkprime
How can you increase Amazon Mechanical Turk HIT Worker participation rates and speed completion of a HIT? This is particularly an issue with HITs that have a large number of required participants or have Qualifications that limit the number of qualified Workers
Topics: amazon mechanical turk, completion rate, demographics, HIT, increase participation, qualification, speed, turkprime
A Simple Formula for Predicting the Time to Complete a Study on Mechanical Turk
The simple formula
We describe a general formula for predicting the time it takes Workers to complete survey studies on MTurk. The average Worker takes 10.3 seconds to answer a single question. This means that a study with 60 questions should take approximately 10 minutes. At $6 per hour the appropriate pay rate for a 60 question survey would be $1.
Topics: amazon mechanical turk, completion rate, mechanical turk
Determining Completion Rate and Dropout Rate on Mechanical Turk
What is the completion rate and dropout rate?
Dropout rate is defined as the percentage of participants who start taking a study but do not complete it. Dropout rate is sometimes referred to as attrition rate, and is the opposite of completion rate (dropout rate = 100 – completion rate). On MTurk, completion rate is defined as the number of Workers who submit a HIT divided by the number of Workers who accept the HIT. Note that, for the definition of completion rate used here, Rejected Workers are counted as completes.
Topics: amazon mechanical turk, completion rate, dropout rate, mechanical turk