TurkPrime can now automatically add Worker ID, HIT ID, and Assignment ID to data files, including CSV and SPSS files. These variables can be very useful when you want to match Workers across multiple data files. For example, in longitudinal studies, researchers typically ask Workers to provide their Worker IDs in order to pair responses collected at different points in time.
WorkerId (and all MTurk Fields) Sent to Qualtrics
Topics: mechanical turk, mturk, qualtrics, qualtrics integration
Qualtrics Studies run on Mechanical Turk can be Integrated With TurkPrime
Run Qualtrics Surveys on MTurk using TurkPrime
Running Qualtrics surveys on TurkPrime streamlines several major pain-points researchers using MTurk have dealt with:
Topics: amazon mechanical turk, HIT, mechanical turk, qualtrics, reverse rejection, secret code, secret key